Band Pull Aparts

Band T-Pull: We use this exercise to accomplish our program demands when it calls for a compliment to upper body shoulder exercises in the frontal plane. An awesome aspect of this exercise is that it is performed in both the transverse and frontal plan so that it can be used in multiple demands. Also, the […]

Trx Arm Abduction

TRX Lateral Arm Abduction: We use this exercise to accomplish our program demands when it calls for a upper body movements in the frontal plane. Often, frontal plane movements become overlooked so it’s important that they’re programmed into strength training plans. Most movements in this plane use the smaller muscle groups (assistors) around the larger […]

MedBall Rotary Clinch

We use this exercise to accomplish our program demands when it calls for a core movement in the transverse plane. The great part about this exercise is that it uses both rotational and anti-rotational resistance a little extra stimulation when done right. Purpose: This is exercise allows for core stabilization & rotary power development without […]


📩 Banded Single Leg Hip Extension: Without a Reverse Hyper or a Hip Thrust Bench (or a bench available to perform hip thrusts on), this exercise is perfect way to target the posterior chain and more specifically the Glutes and Hip Extensors. The principle of this exercise comes from a great posterior chain exercise: […]