Lifting weights aid in Fat Burning

    Studies show that a well-designed strength program can elevate your EPOC or metabolism for up to 38 hours after the workout. In other words, you continue to burn calories long after strength training. Whereas once you stop cardio, the calorie burning stops as well.


As our Strength & Conditioning curriculum continues to evolve , so has our model here at FFASC. In recent years it has become popular to shame/shun traditional “closed chain” or bodybuilding/ powerlifting movements. Specifically targeting the female audience with false claims of exaggerated composition changes for the worse , impending injury or lack of caloric […]

Did You Know?

   Squats create a stronger anabolic stimulus in the body than equally heavy sets on a leg press machine. Sports scientists from the University of North Texas report on this in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. The Texans discovered that bodybuilders synthesise more growth hormone and testosterone after a squat session than after […]