Haven’t seen weight loss with exercise? 8 must know facts!

If you have ever fully committed to exercise, and NOT seen weight loss or have seen WEIGHT gain please read below.

Question: How do I map out a successful weight loss plan

Answer: First step is by finding you RMR or scientifically known as your Rasal Metabolic Rate then recognizing your activity requirements. With this Calculation you can pin point weight loss to the exact number of pounds(lbs) per week.

Question: What is a RMR and how do I find it?

Answer: Resting metabolic rate, or RMR, is the amount of calories a person requires without being physically active. The rate only includes basic metabolic functions like sustaining internal body temperature, cell repair, pumping blood, breathing, etc. In other words, the energy your body needs if you would do nothing else, but relax on the couch all day. RMR is important in determining your overall metabolic rate and the amount of calories you need to maintain, lose, or gain weight, BUT from there; you must account for your activity calorie requirements (ACR). You can calculate your RMR with ACR by going to: http://www.exrx.net/Calculators/CalRequire.html

With that a calorie deficit must created either daily or weekly to ensure weight loss per week.

Need to know facts for weight loss:

  • 3,500 = 1lb of fat mass. Decrease 500-1000 calories/day = 1-2lbs of weight loss a week. Remember, this daily deficit needs to be from your RMR with activity. So if you exercise regularly,  your body requires more calories daily. If you are too far UNDER your requirements your body will retain calories because it is trying to preserve itself. Your body’s number one job is to maintain the amount of calories (energy) to keep the essentials (organs etc.) fueled. Hence, if you are in a caloric range just above fasting, your body will hold on to any extra calories as a means of preservation of internal functioning.
  • They have found that most of the successful dieters have four behaviors in common: they keep a food journal and monitor their weight; they never skip breakfast; they get an hour of exercise almost every day; and they eat diets consisting of 24% fat, 56% carbs, and 19% lean protein. (Adjust cabrohydrate numbers to break through weight loss plateau’s ! ex. 30% fat, 50% carbs 20% lean protein)
  • Foods never burn fats. There is common thought that some foods can burn fats. This is not true. There are foods which increase the metabolism for a while but those foods do not result in weight loss.
  • Exercise doesn’t burn off significantly more calories than sleeping does. That is, your body’s metabolism (digesting food, thinking, making your heart beat, healing cuts, and so on) burns off most of your calories, and you’ll gain just as much weight by eating more as somebody who has been sitting around all day. SLEEP IS IMPORTANT!
  • 70% of total energy expenditure is organ function….20% comes from physical activity…10% comes from Thermogenesis (digestion). With that said, you can only control 30% (physical activity and digestion) DAILY.
  • With the above mentioned, think about the importance of the type of physical activity you do and how often you eat. 1) You want to do activity that builds lean muscle so you can effect the 70% more (resistance training). 2) Since you burn calories digesting food, eat small meals often.
  • There is very important link between eating breakfast and weight loss. When you do not eat breakfast, your metabolic rate get down and your blood sugar drops.  Then you feel hungry and start eating high calorie and saturated aft foods. If you eat your breakfast timely your body will feel satisfied and nourished.
  • Carbs Should be consumed during hours of most activity typically early morning until Mid Afternoon. As activity decreases you burn less calories especially during the evening hours.

Seem complicated? It’s just a simple math problem. 500-1000 less calories than what your expends with physical activity equals 1-2lbs of weight loss. Ever wonder why there’s a point system in the successful program that is Weight Watchers? It’s because they generalized and simplified the calories in food. Instead of saying in 2500 calories a day, they give a book that list food along with the associated points and say eat 25 points a day.

If you’re busting tail in the gym looking for that scale to change, you owe it to yourself to eat right!


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